Bio Regenerative Medicine
Will it hurt?
You will feel mild discomfort during the injection. Then your knee will feel uncomfortable for approximately 72 hours after the procedure.
Is the procedure safe?
The procedure is extremely safe compared to other treatments. The normal risks associated with all injections such as bleeding, soreness, allergy and infection apply to this treatment too.
How long does it take?
Each injection takes approximately 30 minutes. We recommend a course of 3 injections over 6 months and then one injection at the end of one year.
How much does it cost?
The initial 3 injections cost a total of £200. The one year injection is then a further £100. This may all be claimed back from your health insurance.
Can I work after the procedure?
Depending on the work that you perform, we expect you to be able to work the very next day as normal.
Am I suitable?
If you are over 40 years of age and have had knee pain for over 3 months, you may be suitable for this procedure. Please contact us to schedule a free consultation.